Saturday, January 30, 2016

Which One Is Truly An Accomplished Song Writer/Singer?

The answer given was pretty blunt and to the point, totally disregarding any hint of political correctness, wasn't it!

All the best,

Facebook's Gun Control Policy

This may get me banned from Facebook but I had to let them know how I feel about their new policy that forbids individuals from legally selling firearms to one another by way of their site. This may turn out to have been my last FB post:

" I am truly disappointed with Facebook curtailing the legal transfer of firearms between individuals on their site. See:…/us-facebook-guns-exclusive-idUSKCN…

I know, it is their site to do with as they please but I do not have to be happy about it. Just to show Facebook how unhappy I am with their decision to have done so, I figured I would show Facebook how unhappy I am with a graphic. I gladly will suffer any consequences and shall remain happy that I expressed my apolitically correct but logical reply to them.

I imagine that FB will not be all to happy about that post but as I said in it, I will gladly suffer the consequences.
A hat tip to Phil, aka: The Vulgar Curmudgeon, for the "fuck you facebook" graphic that I found in this post on his blog.
All the best,
Glenn B


Women And Bacon

All the best,

Go Ahead, Vote For Hillary or Bernie, Then Take What You Get

Either Hillary or Bernie getting into office will likely result in something very similar to what we are warned about in this cartoon. Hell, we are well on our way to it under Obummer.

I suppose a vote for the likes of Rubio, Christie, Bush and some of the other so called conservatives would have similar results too.

I may have to vote for Trump yet.

Hat tip to peter Q.

All the best,

Safe From Terrorists

I took down my Rebel flag (which you can't buy on ebay anymore) and peeled the NRA sticker off the front door.

I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch.

I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard. Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on ebay) and ran it up the flag pole ...

Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching my house 24/7.   I've NEVER felt safer and I'm saving $69.95 a month that ADT used to charge me.

Plus, I bought burkas for my family when we shop or travel. Everyone moves out of the way and security can't pat us down.

Hot Damn -- Safe at last – Thanks to Obama!

A hat tip to Harry F for this one.

All the best,
Glenn B

Ah, Some Fresh Air At Last

As per an article in the New York Post, a New York City bureaucrat is hoping decriminalize public urination. While New York City has not done it yet, you can bet they will do it if only because they have been caught with their pants down - so to speak.

San FranSicko, has outdone New York in the arena of public urination. They have installed their first open air urinal in a public park. I guess the pervs will now have a valid excuse for whipping out their winkies and wriggling them in front of children; an excuse that doubtlessly will protect them from charges of indecent exposure and child molestation in the land of fruits, nuts and granolas! More here.

All the best,
Glenn B


Only Days Away From The Best... of the year and it's all in honor of a rodent! Yes, I mean Groundhog Day. No gift giving - thus no shopping, no relative over for a holiday feast - thus no hours and hours preparing for those picky pains in the arse, no Groundhog Day decorations - thus no aching back to stretching and reaching and bending to hang them, no religious connotations in any way shape or form - thus no way to offend anyone (except rodent haters). You, or at least I, have just got to love the crap of a holiday that gets thousands of folks to stand out in the bitter cold just to see if a fat little porker of a rodent (groundhog) sees its own shadow or not to figure out if we will still have six more weeks of winter or not, especially since the little bastard has no clue what he (or she) is doing and neither do the spectators because winter is another six weeks and five days, or so, long regardless of if he sees his shadow or not.

Hope your Groundhog Day is a wonderful one.

All the best,
Glenn B

I Was Ruined Long Before The Internet

A hat tip to Mike McC for that one.

All the best,
Glenn B